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Coho (L'ook) clan members

Tlingit beadwork

Lifelong Alaska Native

Welcome to my website! I'm excited to share my beading/fur sewing addiction with you! I was born in Juneau, Alaska and spent my formative years in the quiet communities of Yakutat and King Salmon, AK. My parents taught me to appreciate and utilize what the landscape had to share with us. My mom strapped me to her back when I was a baby and carried me along on her trap lines. My father took us fishing for silver salmon (coho-L'ook in Tlingit) every August. My family continues to rely upon and appreciate the abundance of wildlife around us. I spent my career working to conserve the special places in Alaska to make sure these opportunities and lifestyle are available for the next 7 generations.

Gunalchéesh for looking at my products--I truly love creating the items and appreciate your support :)

Harvesting Salmon

The Wild Coho (Silver) Salmon skin I use to bead is caught and processed by myself. I also purchase Alaskan dyed salmon skin (Chum) to use in some of my products.

Tlingit Formline Beading

Collection videos

Weekly additions! Check often! Tell Auntie!